Card Index

Gate Building

Gate Building

Draw and set a gate card.

1,000 HSP 2
Terra Crunch

Terra Crunch

Your Subterra Bakugan gains +20 G's for each gate card on the field. (+15 in Team Battles)

1,500 HSP 3
Desert Hole

Desert Hole

If you have more gate cards on the field than your opponent, your Subterra Bakugan gains +75 G's for each more.

1,750 HSP 3
Earth Power

Earth Power

Increase your Subterra Bakugan's power level by +50 G's.

750 HSP 3
Grand Slide

Grand Slide

Move an opponent's gate card next to the gate card your Subterra Bakugan is on, then your Subterra Bakugan moves to it.

1,500 HSP 3
Spirit Canyon

Spirit Canyon

Copy any power level gains from an opponent's gate card to your Bakugan.

2,000 HSP 2
Magma Prominence

Magma Prominence

Change the gate card your Subterra Bakugan is standing on's attribute to Subterra.

1,250 HSP 3


Send an attribute gate card from your deck to your used pile, and have your Subterra Bakugan gain G's equal to it's increase.

1,500 HSP 3


Set a gate card from your deck.

1,000 HSP 3


Copy any power level changes from your opponent's last ability.

2,000 HSP 2
Saturn Balloon

Saturn Balloon

While your Subterra Bakugan is on the field, each time a gate card is activated you draw a card. (Non-Stackable)

1,750 HSP 3
Sand Trap

Sand Trap

Your Subterra Bakugan attacks an opponent's Bakugan adjacent to it.

2,250 HSP 1
Correlation - Subterra & Haos

Correlation - Subterra & Haos

If there is a Haos Bakugan on your Subterra Bakugan's gate card, your Subterra Bakugan gains +100 G's. If the other Bakugan was an ally, both Bakugan gain +50 G's instead.

750 HSP 3
Dive Mirage

Dive Mirage

Move your Aquos Bakugan to another gate card was an opponent's, it is nullified.

1,500 HSP 3


Choose a card from your deck, in 2 of your turns it is added to your hand.

1,250 HSP 3
Blue Sky

Blue Sky

At the start of each of your turns, draw an extra card as long as your Aquos Bakugan is on the field. (Non-Stackable)

1,750 HSP 2
Water Slap

Water Slap

Your opponent's Bakugan loses -50 G's.

750 HSP 3
Aquos Cyclone

Aquos Cyclone

Your Aquos Bakugan gains +125 G's on your 2nd turn after this card's activation.

1,250 HSP 3
Freezing Wave

Freezing Wave

Your Aquos Bakugan gains +50 G's for each continuous & delayed effect it has.

1,500 HSP 3
Water Refrain

Water Refrain

All previous abilities used this chain are nullified.

2,250 HSP 1
Holograph Divide

Holograph Divide

Your Aquos Bakugan gains +50 G's at the start of each of your turns.

1,250 HSP 3
Tides Of Fate

Tides Of Fate

Choose a card from your deck and place it on top.

1,500 HSP 3
Correlation - Aquos & Ventus

Correlation - Aquos & Ventus

If there is a Ventus Bakugan on your Aquos Bakugan's gate card, your Aquos Bakugan gains +100 G's. If the other Bakugan was an ally, both Bakugan gain +50 G's instead.

750 HSP 3


Add 3 cards from an ally's used pile to their deck, besides copies of this card.

1,250 HSP 3
Positivity Down

Positivity Down

Further boosts gained from ability cards on an opponent's Bakugan in battle with your Haos Bakugan are halved.

1,750 HSP 3
Helping Hand

Helping Hand

An allied player draws a card.

1,000 HSP 2
One For All

One For All

All allied Bakugan have their G's added together, and then split between eachother. If each Bakugan you control is Haos, they gain +50 G's.

1,500 HSP 3
Haos Freeze

Haos Freeze

Immediately add an additional Haos Bakugan into battle. If the Bakugan is a teammate's, it can be any attribute.

2,500 HSP 1
Double Down

Double Down

The next time an allied Bakugan gains G's from an ability card, the increase is doubled.
(Can only be activated outside of battle.)

1,500 HSP 2
Lightning Tornado

Lightning Tornado

Transfer 100 G's from your Opponent's Bakugan to your Haos Bakugan.

2,000 HSP 1
Haos Surge

Haos Surge

An allied Bakugan's power level becomes half of the strongest Bakugan your opponent control's.

1,000 HSP 2
Haos Triple Chain - Haos Stasis

Haos Triple Chain - Haos Stasis

If there are three Haos Bakugan on your field, your Haos Bakugan gains +100 G's and you draw 2 cards. Any teammates each draw 1 card.

3,000 HSP 1
Guiding Light

Guiding Light

Throw a Haos Bakugan onto any gate card, but it's power level becomes 50.

1,500 HSP 3
Divine Blessing

Divine Blessing

Each player draws a card.

1,000 HSP 3


An allied Bakugan gains +75 G's.

1,000 HSP 3
Lightning Shield

Lightning Shield

The gate card your Haos Bakugan is standing on is nullified.

1,750 HSP 3
Shade Ability

Shade Ability

Nullify all ability card effects and power level changes on an opponent's Bakugan.

2,000 HSP 1
Ability Counter

Ability Counter

Nullify an opponent's ability in battle, or that targets your Haos Bakugan.

1,750 HSP 1
Correlation - Haos & Darkus

Correlation - Haos & Darkus

If there is a Darkus Bakugan on your Haos Bakugan's gate card, your Haos Bakugan gains +100 G's. If the other Bakugan was an ally, both Bakugan gain +50 G's instead.

750 HSP 3
Rapid Fire

Rapid Fire

Add an additional Pyrus Bakugan into battle. If the Bakugan is a teammate's, it can be any attribute.

2,500 HSP 1
Power Charge

Power Charge

Your Pyrus Bakugan gains +100 G's and moves to a gate card with an opponent's Bakugan on it.

2,500 HSP 2
Raging Inferno

Raging Inferno

Each of your Pyrus Bakugan on the field gains +50 G's.

1,500 HSP 3
Pyrus Burst

Pyrus Burst

Your Pyrus Bakugan attacks an opponent's Bakugan adjacent to it. If the attack fails, your Pyrus Bakugan is defeated.

2,000 HSP 1
Ring Of Flames

Ring Of Flames

Your Pyrus Bakugan gains +150 G's, and lose -100 G's at the start of each of your turns.

1,500 HSP 3
Fire Wall

Fire Wall

An opponent's Bakugan loses -50 G's.

750 HSP 3
Fire Judge

Fire Judge

Your Pyrus Bakugan gains +100 G's.

1,500 HSP 3


Nullify the gate card your Pyrus Bakugan is battling on.

1,250 HSP 3
Fire Tornado

Fire Tornado

Transfer 100 G's from an opponent's Bakugan to your Pyrus Bakugan in battle.

2,000 HSP 2
Heat Wave

Heat Wave

Your Pyrus Bakugan gains +50 G's for the rest of the game. (Stackable)

1,500 HSP 3
Correlation - Pyrus & Subterra

Correlation - Pyrus & Subterra

If there is a Subterra Bakugan on your Pyrus Bakugan's gate card, your Pyrus Bakugan gains +100 G's. If the other Bakugan was an ally, both Bakugan gain +50 G's instead.

750 HSP 3
Doom Companion

Doom Companion

All Bakugan on your Darkus Bakugan's gate card are removed from play for the rest of the game.

2,500 HSP 1
Call Of The Void

Call Of The Void

If your deck is empty, your Darkus Bakugan gains +200 G's.

1,500 HSP 1
Darkus Gravity

Darkus Gravity

Move a Darkus Bakugan to an adjacent Darkus Bakugan's gate card.

1,500 HSP 3
Eye For An Eye

Eye For An Eye

Both one of your Darkus Bakugan and an opponent's Bakugan lose -200 G's.

1,500 HSP 2
All For One

All For One

All allied Bakugan have half their G's transfered to one of your Darkus Bakugan.

2,000 HSP 3
Grand Down

Grand Down

The gate card your Darkus Bakugan is standing on is nullified.

1,500 HSP 3
Destroy Force Down

Destroy Force Down

Each Bakugan on the field un-owned by you loses -25 G's. (-15 in Team Battles.)

1,000 HSP 3
Black Is Darkness

Black Is Darkness

Bring all adjacent enemy Bakugan to your Darkus Bakugan's gate card.

2,250 HSP 1
Oregano Revenge

Oregano Revenge

Each of your opponent's Bakugan in battle loses -100 G's, and up to the same number of yours in the battle gains +100 G's.

3,500 HSP 1
Spiced Assault

Spiced Assault

Send any number of cards from your deck to your used pile, your Darkus Bakugan gains +30 G's for each sent.

1,750 HSP 3
Correlation - Darkus & Aquos

Correlation - Darkus & Aquos

If there is a Aquos Bakugan on your Darkus Bakugan's gate card, your Darkus Bakugan gains +100 G's. If the other Bakugan was an ally, both Bakugan gain +50 G's instead.

750 HSP 3
Dark Eye Superior

Dark Eye Superior

Nullify an opponent's ability in battle, or that targets your Darkus Bakugan.

1,500 HSP 1
Shadow Aggressor

Shadow Aggressor

If your Ventus Bakugan has any status effects, they are immediately cleared and you draw 1 Ventus ability card.

1,500 HSP 3
Storm Breaker

Storm Breaker

Nullify the gate card your Ventus Bakugan is battling on.

1,500 HSP 3
Gale Force

Gale Force

Throw 2 Ventus Bakugan onto an opponent's empty closed gate card.

2,500 HSP 1
Second Wind

Second Wind

Swap a ventus Bakugan you control on the field with one from your hand.

1,500 HSP 3
Blower Plexus

Blower Plexus

One of your Ventus Bakugan gains +50 G's each time it moves. (Non-Stackable)

1,750 HSP 3


Return a Bakugan back to it's owner.

2,250 HSP 2
Scarlet Twister

Scarlet Twister

Move a Bakugan to another gate card. If the Bakugan was in battle, your Ventus Bakugan is defeated and the other Bakugan is returned to it's owner instead.

1,000 HSP 3


Return an empty gate card on the field to it's owner's hand.

1,500 HSP 3
Jump Over

Jump Over

Move your Ventus Bakugan to an adjacent gate card.

1,250 HSP 3
Air Battle

Air Battle

Move your Ventus Bakugan to a gate card with an opponent's Bakugan present and prevent it from opening.

1,250 HSP 2
Ventus Triple Chain - Winds Of Fury

Ventus Triple Chain - Winds Of Fury

If you control three Ventus Bakugan on the field, each of your opponent's Bakugan adjacent to your Ventus Bakugan loses -100 G's, then it attacks each of them.

2,250 HSP 1
Blow Away

Blow Away

Move an opponent's Bakugan to another gate card.

1,500 HSP 3
Correlation - Ventus & Pyrus

Correlation - Ventus & Pyrus

If there is a Pyrus Bakugan on your Ventus Bakugan's gate card, your Ventus Bakugan gains +100 G's. If the other Bakugan was an ally, both Bakugan gain +50 G's instead.

750 HSP 3


An opponent's Bakugan loses -25 G's for each special ability card in your used pile.

1,250 HSP 3
Fire Sword

Fire Sword

[Pyrus Siege]
Pyrus Siege gains +100 G's.

1,250 HSP 3
Aqua Javelin

Aqua Javelin

[Aquos Siege]
Swap the gate card Aquos Siege is currently on with another adjacent card.

1,000 HSP 3
Crystal Fang

Crystal Fang

Tigrerra gains +80 G's.

1,250 HSP 3
Cut In Slayer

Cut In Slayer

[Haos Tigrerra]
All Bakugan on your side are defeated expect for one, and their G's are added to the remaining Bakugan.

2,250 HSP 1
Cut In Saber

Cut In Saber

Allows Tigrerra to enter the current battle from your hand or field.

2,000 HSP 2
Thunder Booster

Thunder Booster

[Haos Altair]
Altair's G's are reset to it's original power level.

1,500 HSP
Blaster Bind

Blaster Bind

[Darkus Altair]
An allied Bakugan is defeated, and an opponent's Bakugan loses G's equal to it's power level.

2,500 HSP
Giga Armor

Giga Armor

[Subterra Altair]
Altair gains +100 G's, and the gate card it's standing on can no longer be nullified.

2,500 HSP
Shock Cannon

Shock Cannon

Altair gains +400 G's, and is defeated on your next turn.

2,500 HSP
Spinal Saucer

Spinal Saucer

[Ventus Altair]
Nullify an opponent's ability in battle, or that targets Altair, then Altair gains +50 G's for each normal Ventus card in your used pile.

3,000 HSP
Thunder Fire

Thunder Fire

[Pyrus Altair]
An opponent's Bakugan in battle with Altair loses -200 G's.

2,500 HSP
Mega Shield

Mega Shield

[Aquos Altair]
Each of your Aquos Bakugan gains +50 G's at the start of each of your turns.

1,750 HSP
Dual Gazer

Dual Gazer

[Dual Hydranoid]
If Dual Hydranoid is your last remaining Bakugan, it gains +50 G's and attacks two Bakugan on the field.

2,500 HSP 1
Merge Shield

Merge Shield

Hydranoid copies all G's gained by an opponent's Bakugan this battle.

3,000 HSP 1
Armored Megadome

Armored Megadome

[Aquos Ingram]
Ingram's clone gains +80 G's, and you can change it's attribute.

2,250 HSP
Shadow Echo

Shadow Echo

[Darkus Ingram]
Transfer 50 G's from each opponent's Bakugan on the field to Ingram's clone. (+25 in Team Battles)

2,250 HSP
Shadow Split

Shadow Split

Create a clone of Ingram with 100 G's on an adjacent gate card. If Ingram leaves the field, the clone does as well.

2,000 HSP
Continuous Dance Phoenix Position

Continuous Dance Phoenix Position

[Pyrus Ingram]
Ingram's clone gains +150 G's.

2,000 HSP
Armored Victory

Armored Victory

[Subterra Ingram]
Ingram's clone gains +100 G's and the gate card it's standing on is nullified.

2,250 HSP
Wind Power Soaring Strike Shot

Wind Power Soaring Strike Shot

[Ventus Ingram]
Each Ingram you control gains +50 G's.

2,500 HSP
Thunderbolt Torrential Wave

Thunderbolt Torrential Wave

[Haos Ingram]
Ingram's clone gains +50 G's, and you or a teammate draws a card.

2,250 HSP
Claw Thunder Position Kagenui

Claw Thunder Position Kagenui

An opponent's Bakugan can no longer be moved.

1,250 HSP
Tornado Pandemonium

Tornado Pandemonium

[Ventus Ravenoid]
Nullify the opponent's attribute gate card.

1,000 HSP 3
Spark Out

Spark Out

[Haos Ravenoid]
Haos Ravenoid gains +50 G's and the opponent's gate card is nullified.

1,500 HSP 3
Shadow Scratch

Shadow Scratch

Nullify the attribute gate card Ravenoid is standing on, and an opponent's Bakugan loses -50 G's.

1,500 HSP 2
Apollon Head

Apollon Head

Baliton moves to another gate card in it's row, and attacks any opponent's Bakugan between it and it's original card.

2,250 HSP
Maximum Quasar

Maximum Quasar

[Pyrus Helios]
Helios Gains +150 G's for the rest of the game, and each of your other Bakugan loses -75 G's for the rest of the game. (Even if they aren't on the field)

4,000 HSP
Nova Spiral

Nova Spiral

[Ventus Helios]
Helios Gains +80 G's for each Ventus Bakugan you control on the field.

2,500 HSP
Nova Defenser

Nova Defenser

[Subterra Helios]
Helios Gains +100 G's, and it's power level can't be lowered by opponent's ability cards.

2,750 HSP
Burst Core

Burst Core

[Haos Helios]
Nullify an ability that would lower an allied Bakugan's power level, and have it gain +100 G's instead.

2,500 HSP
Void Stream

Void Stream

[Darkus Helios]
An opponent's Bakugan loses -125 G's for the rest of the game.

4,000 HSP
Melt Stream

Melt Stream

[Aquos Helios]
Helios gains +50 G's, and another +50 G's at the start of each of your turns.

2,000 HSP
General Quasar

General Quasar

Helios gains +50 G's and attacks an opponent's Bakugan.

3,000 HSP
Titan Knuckle

Titan Knuckle

[Premo Vulcan]
An opponent's Bakugan loses -150 G's.

2,500 HSP
Heavy Aegis

Heavy Aegis

No enemy Bakugan adjacent to Premo Vulcan can move from their current gate card.

2,500 HSP
Pyrus Durance

Pyrus Durance

[Pyrus Premo Vulcan]
Nullify an opponent's ability in battle, or that targets Premo Vulcan. Premo Vulcan also gains +80 G's.

2,500 HSP
Drill Booster

Drill Booster

[Aquos Premo Vulcan]
At the start of your third turn after this card's activation, Premo Vulcan gains +300 G's.

2,250 HSP


[Ventus Premo Vulcan]
Transfer 80 G's from each opponent's Bakugan in battle to Premo Vulcan.

2,250 HSP
Hyper Impact

Hyper Impact

[Haos Premo Vulcan]
An allied Bakugan gains +80 G's, and it's owner draws a card.

2,250 HSP
Screw Impact

Screw Impact

[Darkus Premo Vulcan]
An opponent's Bakugan loses -80 G's, and if their hand contains a card that specifically targets that Bakugan it is discarded.

2,250 HSP
Reflection Boost

Reflection Boost

Redirect an attack at an opponent's Bakugan with +100 G's added to it's power.

1,500 HSP
Diamond Snail

Diamond Snail

[Tripod Epsilon]
A bakugan that isn't its original attribute gains +150 G's.

1,500 HSP
Boosted Dragon

Boosted Dragon

Dragonoid gains +100 G's for the rest of the game. (Non-Stackable)

1,500 HSP 2
Melt Flare

Melt Flare

If Boosted Dragon is activate, Dragonoid gains +120 G's.

1,500 HSP 3
Fly Enemy

Fly Enemy

[Falcon Fly]
Move an opponent's Bakugan to another gate card.

1,250 HSP
Gilian Cords

Gilian Cords

Add a card from your deck to your hand.

1,500 HSP
Life Ripple

Life Ripple

[Tripod Theta]
Tripod Theta gains +100 G's for each of your defeated Bakugan, and it gains their attributes.

2,000 HSP
Dark Sphere Impact

Dark Sphere Impact

An opponent's Bakugan loses -200 G's.

2,000 HSP 2
Blue Stealth

Blue Stealth

Transfers 50 G's from the opponent's Bakugan to Preyas and nullifies the gate card he's standing on.

1,500 HSP 3
Alpha Blaster

Alpha Blaster

Leonidas gains +200 G's.

2,000 HSP 3
Red Valkyrie

Red Valkyrie

Target a gate card. The next Bakugan that lands on it loses -150 G's. (Stackable)

1,500 HSP
Hybrid Cannon

Hybrid Cannon

Target an opponent's Bakugan, and apply an effect based on its attribute.

1,500 HSP
Green Nobility - Violent Wind

Green Nobility - Violent Wind

Skyress gains +100 G's.

1,500 HSP 3
Gamma Ray

Gamma Ray

Nullify an opponent's ability in the battle, or that targets Tentaclear.

1,500 HSP 1
Solar Ray

Solar Ray

[Haos Tentaclear]
Your Haos Tentaclear gains +100 G's in battle.

1,500 HSP 2
Saurus Glow

Saurus Glow

Saurus gains +50 G's for the rest of the game. (Stackable)

1,500 HSP 3
Double Dimension

Double Dimension

Nullify an opponent's ability in battle, or that targets Reaper.

1,250 HSP 1
Dimension Four

Dimension Four

Nullify the attribute gate card Reaper is standing on.

750 HSP 3
Slash Zero

Slash Zero

[Fear Ripper]
Fear Ripper gains +80 G's for the rest of the game. (Non-Stackable)

1,750 HSP 3
Ray Drill

Ray Drill

An opponent's bakugan loses -50 G's, and -50 more during each of it's owner's turns.

1,500 HSP
Super Shard

Super Shard

Transfer 50 G's from any opponent's Bakugan to Juggernoid.

1,500 HSP 3
Depth Tornado

Depth Tornado

Juggernoid gains +100 G's.

1,750 HSP 2
Frame Fire

Frame Fire

[Pyrus Falconeer]
Pyrus Falconeer gains +100 G's.

1,250 HSP 3
Stare Down

Stare Down

All adjacent enemy Bakugan lose -50 G's.

2,000 HSP 3
Right Giganti

Right Giganti

Cycloid gains +100 G's.

2,000 HSP 2
Left Giganti

Left Giganti

Nullify the gate card Cycloid is standing on.

1,500 HSP 3
Face Of Rage

Face Of Rage

Transfer 50 G's from your opponent's Bakugan to Fourtress.

2,500 HSP 3
Face Of Joy

Face Of Joy

Immediately nullify the opponent's gate card.

1,750 HSP 2
Face Of Grief

Face Of Grief

Immediately nullify an opponent's ability in battle, or that targets Fourtress.

2,500 HSP 1
Feather Storm

Feather Storm

Harpus gains +100 G's.

1,500 HSP 3
Feather Edge

Feather Edge

Harpus gains +50 G's and moves to another gate card.

1,500 HSP 3
Robotallion Enforcement

Robotallion Enforcement

Robotallion gains +50 G's for the rest of the game. (Stackable)

1,250 HSP 3
Tank Bunker

Tank Bunker

Nullify an ability that would lower an allied Bakugan's power level.

1,250 HSP
Leap Sting

Leap Sting

Laserman attacks an opponent's Bakugan from anywhere on the field. If it was defeated, Laserman is returned to your hand.

2,000 HSP 1
Mega Impact

Mega Impact

Gorem gains +50 G's, and an opponent's Bakugan in battle loses -100 G's.

2,000 HSP 3
Full Burst

Full Burst

Hades' power level is doubled, and becomes 0 on your next turn.

3,000 HSP
Chaos Leap Sting

Chaos Leap Sting

[Darkus Hades]
Hades attacks an opponent's Bakugan that isn't adjacent to it.

2,500 HSP
Phaser Trident

Phaser Trident

[Aquos Hades]
An opponent's Bakugan loses -100 G's at the start of each of it's owner's turns.

2,250 HSP
Saurer Cannon

Saurer Cannon

[Pyrus Hades]
Each of your Pyrus Bakugan on the field gains +50 G's for the rest of the game.

2,000 HSP
Photon Tail

Photon Tail

[Haos Hades]
An opponent's Bakugan in battle with Hades loses -150.

1,250 HSP
Pyra Might Skid Roa

Pyra Might Skid Roa

[Pyrus Nemus]
Nemus gains +80 G's. This boost is doubled for each copy of this card in your used pile.

2,000 HSP
Spark Roa

Spark Roa

One of your Ventus Bakugan gains +50 G's and another +50 G's each time it's thrown for the rest of the game. (Non-Stackable)

1,250 HSP
Ancient Glow

Ancient Glow

[Aquos Nemus]
One of your Aquos Bakugan gains an extra +80 G's each time it's power level is raised by an ability card.

2,250 HSP
Corona Hole

Corona Hole

[Subterra Nemus]
Target an empty gate card slot. If an opponnent's gate card is thrown there, it becomes a +400 Subterra attribute card.

2,500 HSP
Flow Skylight

Flow Skylight

An allied Bakugan gains +100 G's for the rest of the game. (Non-Stackable)

2,500 HSP
Raven Lore

Raven Lore

[Darkus Nemus]
Immediately defeat all other allied Bakugan on the field, and have Nemus gain G's equal to their combined power level.

2,000 HSP
Shade Cacoon

Shade Cacoon

Transfer half an opponent's Bakugan's G's to Nemus.

3,000 HSP


All weaker adjacent Bakugan are moved to Sirenoid's gate card and immediately defeated.

2,500 HSP 2
Forcing Wave

Forcing Wave

Sirenoid gains +100 G's.

1,500 HSP 3
Trick World

Trick World

All Bakugan on the field randomly switch places.

3,000 HSP
Gaia Loose

Gaia Loose

[Subterra Elico]
Swap the positions of two gate cards on the field.

1,750 HSP 3
Flash Freeze

Flash Freeze

[Haos Elico]
Elico gains +80 G's, and you may swap an ability card in your hand with one in your used pile.

2,500 HSP
Screw Blow

Screw Blow

[Ventus Elico]
Swap the positions of two other Bakugan on the field.

2,250 HSP
Mythran Judge

Mythran Judge

[Pyrus Elico]
Elico swaps power levels with an opponent's Bakugan in battle.

2,750 HSP
Scramble Zwei

Scramble Zwei

[Aquos Elico]
Elico gains +50 G's and swaps attributes with another Bakugan.

2,500 HSP


[Darkus Elico]
Elico swaps positions with another Bakugan.

2,000 HSP
Tri Gunner

Tri Gunner

If your opponent has three Bakugan on one gate card, they each lose -150 G's.

2,000 HSP
Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow

[Aquos Percival]
Percival gains +50 G's and it's power level cannot be lowered by your opponent's ability cards.

2,000 HSP


[Subterra Percival]
An allied Subterra Bakugan is thrown onto a gate card adjacent to Percival. If the Bakugan can change it's attribute to Subterra, it can be thrown as well.

2,500 HSP
Black Maiden

Black Maiden

[Ventus Percival]
All enemy gate cards adjacent to Percival are negated, and Percival gains +50 G's.

2,500 HSP
Darkus Driver

Darkus Driver

[Darkus Percival]
Percival gains +100 G's and moves to another gate card.

2,000 HSP
Stray Thunder

Stray Thunder

[Haos Percival]
Percival attacks a random Bakugan on the field.

2,250 HSP
Battle Marionette

Battle Marionette

[Pyrus Percival]
Force an opponent's un-thrown Bakugan into battle with percival.

2,500 HSP
Gun Lock

Gun Lock

Destroy any gate card on the field, and return any Bakugan on it.

2,500 HSP
Volcano Hammer

Volcano Hammer

[Pyrus Wilda]
Wilda gains +100 G's, and the gate card it's standing on is nullified.

1,750 HSP
Ground Boating

Ground Boating

[Aquos Wilda]
Wilda gains +20 G's for each gate card on the field at the start of each of your turns. (+10 in Team Battles)

2,000 HSP
Iron Plate

Iron Plate

Wilda gains +80 G's, and you draw a gate card.

1,500 HSP
Quicksand Hole

Quicksand Hole

[Subterra Wilda]
No Bakugan currently on the field can move from their current gate card.

2,500 HSP
Ground Detonator

Ground Detonator

[Darkus Wilda]
Nullify any gate card on the field.

1,750 HSP
Power Winder

Power Winder

[Ventus Wilda]
Wilda gains +25 G's for each empty gate card slot on the field.

1,750 HSP
Strike Dragon

Strike Dragon

[Neo Dragonoid]
Neo Dragonoid individually attacks an opponent's Bakugan and move to it's gate card.

2,500 HSP
Burst Shield

Burst Shield

[Aquos Neo Dragonoid]
Neo Dragonoid's G's are reset to it's base level, then you choose another Bakugan on the field to have it's G's changed by the opposite of the difference.

2,750 HSP
Tornado Barrier

Tornado Barrier

[Ventus Neo Dragonoid]
Nullify an ability that would lower Neo Dragonoid's power level, and have the opponent's Bakugan lose the same amount of G's instead.

2,500 HSP
Burning Dragon

Burning Dragon

[Pyrus Neo Dragonoid]
Neo Dragonoid gains +200 G's, and keeps +100 G's for the rest of the game.

3,000 HSP
Maximum Dragon

Maximum Dragon

[Haos Neo Dragonoid]
Both Neo Dragonoid and an allied adjacent Bakugan gain +100 G's.

2,250 HSP
Dragon Clash

Dragon Clash

[Subterra Neo Dragonoid]
Set a used gate card on the field, then both you and an opponent throw a Bakugan onto it.

2,750 HSP
Dragon Contender

Dragon Contender

[Darkus Neo Dragonoid]
Defeat an allied Bakugan on the field and have Neo Dragonoid gain G's equal to it's power level.

2,500 HSP
Twin Back

Twin Back

Nullify an ability that would lower Elfin's power level, and have Elfin gain an equal amount of G's instead.

2,000 HSP
Subterra Reaction

Subterra Reaction

[Subterra Elfin]
Elfin gains +50 G's, and the opponent's gate cards become hidden to them.

2,250 HSP
Blue Shield

Blue Shield

[Aquos Elfin]
Elfin gains +50 G's, and you can view the top 3 ability cards in any player's deck.

2,000 HSP
Jamming Out

Jamming Out

[Pyrus Elfin]
Elfin gains +150 G's, and keeps +50 G's for the rest of the game. (Stackable)

2,500 HSP
Moon Rainbow

Moon Rainbow

[Darkus Elfin]
Elfin gains +50 G's, and all ability cards in an opponent's hand become hidden to them.

2,250 HSP
Shooting Stardust

Shooting Stardust

[Haos Elfin]
Elfin gains +50 G's, and you can view all cards in the opponent's hand.

2,000 HSP
Wing Mercury

Wing Mercury

[Ventus Elfin]
Elfin gains +50 G's, and all gate cards on the field become visible to you.

2,000 HSP
Ghost Cell

Ghost Cell

[Darkus Brontes]
Make any un-activated gate card on the field become Mine Ghost.

1,750 HSP
Darkus Scythe

Darkus Scythe

Brontes gains +50 G's, and can use Darkus abilities. If Brontes was Darkus, it gains +150 G's instead.

2,000 HSP
Jeer Frontier

Jeer Frontier

[Aquos Brontes]
Brontes gains +150 G's for the rest of the game. (Non-Stackable)

2,000 HSP
Maniactus Magical

Maniactus Magical

[Haos Brontes]
Both you and an opponent draw 2 cards.

2,000 HSP
Aurora Dimension

Aurora Dimension

[Pyrus Brontes]
If each player has an available Bakugan, choose an empty gate card, and have each player throw a Bakugan onto it.

3,000 HSP
Wizard Proxy

Wizard Proxy

[Ventus Brontes]
Return a Bakugan you control, then throw it onto any gate card.

1,750 HSP
Desert Python

Desert Python

[Subterra Brontes]
Make an un-opened nullified gate card become active again.

1,500 HSP
Aura Cannon

Aura Cannon

Black Snail

Black Snail

Canyon Snail

Canyon Snail

Clay Roller

Clay Roller

Clear Snail

Clear Snail

Cool Snail

Cool Snail



Eternal Cocoon

Eternal Cocoon



Flare Blinder

Flare Blinder

Glow Snail

Glow Snail

Grand Snail

Grand Snail

Gravity Chamber

Gravity Chamber

All adjacent Bakugan are moved to Hydranoid's gate card, and any weaker ones are immediately defeated.

Haos Bunker

Haos Bunker

Heavy Assail

Heavy Assail

Hot Snail

Hot Snail

Land Twist

Land Twist

Max Reflector

Max Reflector

Mega Flare Blinder

Mega Flare Blinder

Molten Rock

Molten Rock

Your opponent's last ability is nullified, and Wilda gains +200 G's.

Octo Whip

Octo Whip

Proton Mars

Proton Mars

Proton Rain

Proton Rain

Pure Light

Pure Light

After winning a battle, revive a defeated Bakugan and give it to an ally with less than three Bakugan in their deck.

Satellite Boost

Satellite Boost

Satellite Impact

Satellite Impact

Shower Harpoon

Shower Harpoon

Soliton Defender

Soliton Defender

Sub Dimension

Sub Dimension

Thunder Power Glimmering Slash

Thunder Power Glimmering Slash

Thunder Strike Open

Thunder Strike Open

Tsunami Wave

Tsunami Wave

[Aquos Siege]
If you control Aquos Siege and two other Aquos Bakugan, all Bakugan on the field besides Aquos Siege are defeated.

Vector Phalanx

Vector Phalanx

Venomous Beast Torrent Attack

Venomous Beast Torrent Attack

[Haos Griffon]
Your Haos Griffon is defeated and replaced with another one of your currently defeated Haos Bakugan.

1,500 HSP 1
Diagonal Link - Pyrus & Darkus

Diagonal Link - Pyrus & Darkus

If there is an Pyrus/Darkus Bakugan on your opposite Attributed Bakugan's gate card, your Bakugan gains +100 G's. If the other Bakugan was an ally, it can be on any gate card and it gains +100 G's as well.

1,250 HSP 2
Diagonal Link - Ventus & Haos

Diagonal Link - Ventus & Haos

If there is an Ventus/Haos Bakugan on your opposite Attributed Bakugan's gate card, your Bakugan gains +100 G's. If the other Bakugan was an ally, it can be on any gate card and it gains +100 G's as well.

1,250 HSP 2
Diagonal Link - Aquos & Subterra

Diagonal Link - Aquos & Subterra

If there is an Aquos/Subterra Bakugan on your opposite Attributed Bakugan's gate card, your Bakugan gains +100 G's. If the other Bakugan was an ally, it can be on any gate card and it gains +100 G's as well.

1,250 HSP 2
Triple Node - Pyrus, Aquos, & Haos

Triple Node - Pyrus, Aquos, & Haos

If your field contains a Pyrus, Aquos, and Haos Bakugan they each gain +200 G's.

2,000 HSP 1
Triple Node - Darkus, Ventus & Subterra

Triple Node - Darkus, Ventus, & Subterra

If your field contains a Darkus, Ventus, and Subterra Bakugan they each gain +200 G's.

2,000 HSP 1


Leonidas' power level is doubled.

5,000 HSP 1


Dragonoid's power level is doubled.

5,000 HSP 1


Vladitor's power level is doubled.

4,750 HSP 1


Preyas' power level is doubled.

4,000 HSP 1
Dual Hydranoid

Dual Hydranoid

Dual Hydranoid's power level is doubled.

6,000 HSP 1
Fear Ripper

Fear Ripper

Fear Ripper's power level is doubled.

2,500 HSP 1


Siege's power level is doubled.

3,000 HSP 1


Falconeer's power level is doubled.

1,750 HSP 1


Sirenoid's power level is doubled.

4,500 HSP 1


Fourtress' power level is doubled.

4,000 HSP 1


Monarus' power level is doubled.

2,750 HSP 1


Tentaclear's power level is doubled.

4,250 HSP 1


Warius' power level is doubled.

2,500 HSP 1


Ravenoid's power level is doubled.

2,000 HSP 1


Tigrerra's power level is doubled.

3,750 HSP 1


Robotallion's power level is doubled.

2,500 HSP 1


Gargonoid's power level is doubled.

1,750 HSP 1
Bee Striker

Bee Striker

Bee Striker's power level is doubled.

2,000 HSP 1


Laserman's power level is doubled.

3,250 HSP 1


Juggernoid's power level is doubled.

3,000 HSP 1


Cycloid's power level is doubled.

4,000 HSP 1


Gorem's power level is doubled.

4,500 HSP 1


Reaper's power level is doubled.

3,500 HSP 1


Saurus' power level is doubled.

2,000 HSP 1


Skyress' power level is doubled.

4,500 HSP 1


Harpus' power level is doubled.

4,000 HSP 1


Serpenoid's power level is doubled.

1,500 HSP 1
Additional Task

Additional Task

The last Bakugan thrown on the gate card is returned to it's owner and is replaced by another Bakugan from their hand.

2,250 HSP 3
Aqua Merge

Aqua Merge

All non-Subterra Bakugan on the field have their attribute changed to Aquos.

3,000 HSP 1
Aquos Hazard

Aquos Hazard

All Bakugan on the gate card are changed to Aquos.

2,500 HSP 1
Battle Sham

Battle Sham

If there only are two Bakugan from the same team present, one of them attacks a random adjacent enemy Bakugan.

2,000 HSP 3
Cheering Battle

Cheering Battle

Add an additional Bakugan to the battle, but it's power level is reduced by 100 until it's less than 100.

1,750 HSP 3
Darkus Hazard

Darkus Hazard

All Bakugan on the gate card are changed to Darkus.

2,500 HSP 1
Double Battle

Double Battle

Both players add an additional Bakugan into battle.

4,000 HSP 2
Energy Merge

Energy Merge

100 G's are transfered from the last Bakugan to stand on the gate card to the first.

2,750 HSP 3
Fair Hands

Fair Hands

A random gate card from both players' used pile are placed back on the field, open. Command cards lose their effects.

3,500 HSP 1
Gate Card Close

Gate Card Close

All Bakugan on the field are returned to their owners.

3,000 HSP 1
Grand Spirit

Grand Spirit

Your Bakugan gains +50 G's for each gate card on the field.

3,500 HSP 1
Haos Hazard

Haos Hazard

All Bakugan on the gate card are changed to Haos.

2,500 HSP 1
Hyper Merge

Hyper Merge

Transfer 100 G's from the side of the last Bakugan thrown on the gate card to each Bakugan on the side of the first.

7,500 HSP 2
Joker's Wild

Joker's Wild

If the gate card contains both Darkus and Pyrus Bakugan, all non-Darkus Bakugan present are immediately defeated.

5,000 HSP 1
Level Down

Level Down

Any Bakugan on the gate card with a power level of 400 G's or higher loses -100 G's.

2,500 HSP 3
Magma Fuse

Magma Fuse

When all ongoing brawls are over, all gate cards on the field are destroyed and all Bakugan returned to their owners.

5,000 HSP 1
Mine Ghost

Mine Ghost

All Bakugan present on the gate card are defeated.

3,000 HSP 1
Negative Delta

Negative Delta

If the opponent's Bakugan is Darkus, Subterra, or Ventus, it loses -200 G's. Otherwise, the user's Bakugan loses -200 G's.

2,250 HSP 3


All Bakugan on the gate card are returned to their owner's hands.

2,250 HSP 1
Positive Delta

Positive Delta

If the opponent's Bakugan is Pyrus, Aquos, or Haos, it loses -200 G's. Otherwise, the user's Bakugan loses -200 G's.

2,250 HSP 3
Pyrus Hazard

Pyrus Hazard

All Bakugan on the gate card are changed to Pyrus.

2,500 HSP 1
Quartet Battle

Quartet Battle

Both sides add Bakugan to the gate card until atleast four are present.

4,000 HSP 2
Quicksand Freeze

Quicksand Freeze

The Bakugan that wins on this Gate Card remains on it after battle and it's power level is reduced to 0 as long as it stays.

3,000 HSP 1


Your Bakugan's Power Level increases by 100 G's for each other Bakugan on your side of the field with the same attribute.

3,500 HSP 1


The winning player revives a defeated Bakugan.

3,000 HSP 1
Subterra Hazard

Subterra Hazard

All Bakugan on the gate card are changed to Subterra.

2,500 HSP 1


All Bakugan present on the gate cards have their power levels swapped.

3,500 HSP 1


All Bakugan on the gate card are changed to their original attributes.

2,000 HSP 3
Third Judgement

Third Judgement

The battle can only start when there are three Bakugan on the gate card, and only one Bakugan can win.

3,000 HSP 1
Trade Off

Trade Off

Either side with a combined power level of over 400 G's is defeated.

3,000 HSP 1


Your Bakugan's G-Power becomes equal to that of the strongest undefeated Bakugan you have in your hand.

3,000 HSP 2
Triple Battle

Triple Battle

The user can add an additional Bakugan to the battle, or the battle is put on hold until there are atleast three present on the gate card.

4,500 HSP 1
Ventus Hazard

Ventus Hazard

All Bakugan on the gate card are changed to Ventus.

2,500 HSP 1
Wall Lock

Wall Lock

All power level changes for Bakugan on this gate card are nullified.

3,000 HSP 2
Warp Gate

Warp Gate

All Bakugan on this gate card are moved to another.

3,000 HSP 2
Pyrus - 30

Pyrus - 30

Pyrus bakugan present on the gate card gain +30 G's.

250 HSP 3
Pyrus - 50

Pyrus - 50

Pyrus bakugan present on the gate card gain +50 G's.

500 HSP 3
Pyrus - 70

Pyrus - 70

Pyrus bakugan present on the gate card gain +70 G's.

1,000 HSP 3
Pyrus - 100

Pyrus - 100

Pyrus bakugan present on the gate card gain +100 G's.

2,000 HSP 2
Pyrus - 150

Pyrus - 150

Pyrus bakugan present on the gate card gain +150 G's.

3,500 HSP 1
Pyrus - 200

Pyrus - 200

Pyrus bakugan present on the gate card gain +200 G's.

5,000 HSP 1
Aquos - 30

Aquos - 30

Aquos bakugan present on the gate card gain +30 G's.

250 HSP 3
Aquos - 50

Aquos - 50

Aquos bakugan present on the gate card gain +50 G's.

500 HSP 3
Aquos - 70

Aquos - 70

Aquos bakugan present on the gate card gain +70 G's.

1,000 HSP 3
Aquos - 100

Aquos - 100

Aquos bakugan present on the gate card gain +100 G's.

2,000 HSP 2
Aquos - 150

Aquos - 150

Aquos bakugan present on the gate card gain +150 G's.

3,500 HSP 1
Aquos - 200

Aquos - 200

Aquos bakugan present on the gate card gain +200 G's.

5,000 HSP 1
Darkus - 30

Darkus - 30

bakugan present on the gate card gain +30 G's.

250 HSP 3
Darkus - 50

Darkus - 50

Darkus bakugan present on the gate card gain +50 G's.

500 HSP 3
Darkus - 70

Darkus - 70

Darkus bakugan present on the gate card gain +70 G's.

1,000 HSP 3
Darkus - 100

Darkus - 100

Darkus bakugan present on the gate card gain +100 G's.

2,000 HSP 2
Darkus - 150

Darkus - 150

Darkus bakugan present on the gate card gain +150 G's.

3,500 HSP 1
Darkus - 200

Darkus - 200

Darkus bakugan present on the gate card gain +200 G's.

5,000 HSP 1
Haos - 30

Haos - 30

Haos bakugan present on the gate card gain +30 G's.

250 HSP 3
Haos - 50

Haos - 50

Haos bakugan present on the gate card gain +50 G's.

500 HSP 3
Haos - 70

Haos - 70

Haos bakugan present on the gate card gain +70 G's.

1,000 HSP 3
Haos - 100

Haos - 100

Haos bakugan present on the gate card gain +100 G's.

2,000 HSP 2
Haos - 150

Haos - 150

Haos bakugan present on the gate card gain +150 G's.

3,500 HSP 1
Haos - 200

Haos - 200

Haos bakugan present on the gate card gain +200 G's.

5,000 HSP 1
Subterra - 30

Subterra - 30

Subterra bakugan present on the gate card gain +30 G's.

250 HSP 3
Subterra - 50

Subterra - 50

Subterra bakugan present on the gate card gain +50 G's.

500 HSP 3
Subterra - 70

Subterra - 70

Subterra bakugan present on the gate card gain +70 G's.

1,000 HSP 3
Subterra - 100

Subterra - 100

Subterra bakugan present on the gate card gain +100 G's.

2,000 HSP 2
Subterra - 150

Subterra - 150

Subterra bakugan present on the gate card gain +150 G's.

3,500 HSP 1
Subterra - 200

Subterra - 200

Subterra bakugan present on the gate card gain +200 G's.

5,000 HSP 1
Ventus - 30

Ventus - 30

Ventus bakugan present on the gate card gain +30 G's.

250 HSP 3
Ventus - 50

Ventus - 50

Ventus bakugan present on the gate card gain +50 G's.

500 HSP 3
Ventus - 70

Ventus - 70

Ventus bakugan present on the gate card gain +70 G's.

1,000 HSP 3
Ventus - 100

Ventus - 100

Ventus bakugan present on the gate card gain +100 G's.

2,000 HSP 2
Ventus - 150

Ventus - 150

Ventus bakugan present on the gate card gain +150 G's.

3,500 HSP 1
Ventus - 200

Ventus - 200

Ventus bakugan present on the gate card gain +200 G's.

5,000 HSP 1